Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Half wit? Try no wit

While scouring the downtown neighbourhood the other day for apartments that won't cost me my unborn children, I noticed that the front page of the Toronto Star stating that according to recent polls, if an election were held this very second, Harper would be elected.
Are they kidding me with this shit? Sponsership scandal or no sponsership scandal, we can't be that damn desperate in this country. If I had a dollar for everytime I heard the faint whisper of " that a dead squirrel on his head...?" (and I'm not talking just PETA supporters) I'd be richer than his campaign doners. Okay so I'm going to just play the superficial coin here because honestly, getting knee-deep into his take on the issues has a tendancy to make my blood boil exponentially.

This whole thing has me thinking back to the last federal election when I was relentlessly subjected to Harper's grinning mug day after day. Somewhere in the midst of the election I read an online article about how Harper had an increasingly large number of female supporters. The article went on to describe Harper's view on abortion (he's anti-choice) among other female-related issues. It doesn't take an idiot to discern that when Harper talks about being in support of "moral policies" and putting decisions into the hands of the capable, that he's alluding to the hands of his fellow rich, white and male conservatives. Basically, the clincher was the closing line:

Why shouldn't you vote for Stephen Harper ladies? Because it just might be the last decision you make.

Remind you of The Apprentice? I think so.


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