it's time for some props.
yesterday and today, i've been reading through all of the blog posts that i've missed out on in the six or so months since i've been a regular blogger. it sucks to be so out of the loop, but at the same time- the entertainment factor of catching up is seemingly limitless. of course, there's one blog out there for which i have a particular soft spot. the story of how/why/when i started my blog was posted here on more than one occasion ages and ages ago- but for those who don't remember, here's a refresher.
two-ish years ago, when i was bored one afternoon, i went to the blog (at the time located on a fraternity website) of one of my former housemates from university residence. i read through its entire contents while eating a box of melba rounds and downing a six pack of root beer. the entries were really moving to me at the time as they contained what i percieved to be genuine feeling and spectacularly intimate writing. as a result of that, i sort of took a failed stab at blogging on my old website before discovering the unendingly superior Blogger software.
it's so funny and strange to mull over my blogger evolution. starting with nam lamore (le sigh- i miss that dude) linking me over a year ago and causing massive traffic on my blog (between 1 and 6 comments per post, holy shizz!!). through nam, i found loz, kallun and louise nillon. through louise i started getting comments from underhill- which given his current blacksheep status seems unfortunate if it weren't for the fact that it was via underhill that i became aquainted with nicky (whom i heart bigtime) and the inexhaustibly wise and entertaining ubermilf. having a group of bloggers to read your words, give their feedback and somehow give you a feeling of genuine support is a shockingly satisfying use of spare time. i'm one lucky bitch to have stumbled upon such a cool group of people. the coolest thing of all was when my blog mentor joined and was immediately welcomed into the fold by everyone. i dig that he and nicky (my future husband should i ever flee to kansas) are bff now and that ubie is going to live out her coug fantasies with him. i dig that there are tunes on his blog and oodles of comments. i dig how his blogroll has grown exponentially over the year and most of all, i dig that although the content is more whimsical and fun- it still retains some of the darker, more intimate ramblings that got me hooked on blogging (as well as had me totally in love with him for at least five or six hours) to begin with.
so today is a day of props.
props most assuredly are in order.
props to
anthony "my name ain't italian, yo" pereira- tv addict, fellow depressive, microwave chef extraordinaire and checker-loving blogger genius.
see you in the fall, brotha.