Friday, May 13, 2005

Who said vegan food had to taste like crap (oh wait...that was me)

I came across something while perusing the Goodness Me! Organic Whole Foods store today and I feel that it is imperative that I share it with everyone immediately.

For most of my demi-vegetarian life, I've been on the fence about vegan cuisine. I don't particularly enjoy soy, I have serious texture issues with tofu and nayonaise makes me gagonaise. What I have learned recently, however, is that not all certified vegan food has to taste like dirt. In fact, I picked up a bag of Mrs. Mays Organic Crunch today and I have to admit that it's delicious. What I was most excited about was that I knew that this was an organic, vegan delight in which Mark might actually partake (as he is a man who shuns all things natural and/or healthy). But then things went terribly wrong.

I poured some into a bowl and sat down to write my earlier weather post while snacking away. Though it may not seem like it, I do put some time and effort into writing these posts and so before long, I had to refill the bowl. Of course, since I hadn't eaten since breakfast, I was a little hungry, so I had just a little bit more. I'm sure you can guess what happened from there...

Meh, Mark can get on board the organic train some other day.

Mrs Mays.
Buy it.
Eat it.
Love it.

Hide the bag.



Blogger Loz said...

There's no way I would cope as a vegetarian - demi or otherwise - I simply don't like enough vegetables. BUT, I love tofu... and I'm pretty picky about textures. I don't know how you've tried eating it, but I could live on fried tofu (with or without oil), especially in curries.

By the way - I've linked to you as well :)

5:17 AM  
Blogger Nam LaMore said...

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4:19 PM  
Blogger Nam LaMore said...

i have many friends who are vegetarian and vegan, and i seem be evolving in that direction -- it's just taking much slower for me than most of my friends to get there!

i absolutely love tofu (plain, fried, baked, etc i'll take 'em) and soy/glutten "meats" - wish i had my digital camera, could be a fun blog entry after going to the local heathfood co-op!

my absotule favorate soy meat was a fried 'fish' with spicey dipping sauce. the 'skin' was kelpt. i swear (not often!), a japanese person would not be able to tell that the 'fish' never swam.

5:58 PM  

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