Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Nam The Vampire Slayer

Anyone who reads this blog regularly is probably aware of a young lad named Nam who regularly posts comments here. (Hint, hint: perhaps the rest of you drive-by-reading-a-holes could take a page out of his comment-posting book and give me a little feedback once in a while).

Those of you who have noticed the aforementioned may have also noticed that Nam hails from Sunnyvale, California (although he has confessed that he sometimes lies about being a Canadian when asked about his nationality).

That's right. SunnyVale, California.

Sounds familiar right?

Sounds a lot like SunnyDale, California, doesn't it?

And what about his name, Nam? Sounds a lot like Vam doesn't it? As in, VAMpire.

Well, it didn't take long for me to put two and two together as I'm sure most of you have by now. It's obvious that there is no Sunnyvale, California. It's even more obvious that Nam is really from Sunnydale, California. And it's more obviously still that there is no Nam LaMore but that in fact, his real name is Nam the Vampire Slayer!! (dun, dun, dunnnnnn)

I know, I know, it's shocking, yet undeniably conclusive*.

Your secret is safe with me, Nam

* It is entirely possible that the above statements are completely untrue , non-sensical ramblings brought on by a six-hour Buffy Marathon and too many Red Bulls


Blogger Nam LaMore said...

this, my dear, is just too much! you've out-done yourself!

you must be suffering from delirium, and the fever must have put your brain in over-drive. because it takes a computer-like mind to make such a fantastic link like this!

12:33 AM  
Blogger Louise said...

Having read his site quite regularly over the past few months that really does explain a lot!

8:57 AM  
Blogger diadima said...

why thank you for your glowing commentary nam! and to think, my extraordinary and flawless photoshop skills have been going to waste all these years!

12:27 PM  
Blogger Nam LaMore said...

nah, no skill is ever wasted .. just waiting for the right opportunity to wreck havoc!

5:34 PM  

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