Friday, October 07, 2005

somewhere around the world someone would love to have my first world problems

today is a full on bleh day.

first, it is pouring rain outside. normally i don't mind rain, however, there is some funny shit going on with the weather lately and it's pissing me off to no end. this past week has been between 22 and 26 degrees which is summer temperatures. it's not that i don't like summer temperatures- it's just that i have a closet full of gloriously fall coloured clothing that is collecting dust. on top of that, weatherman have been speculating that we might end up skipping fall weather altogether. in fact, they have stated that it's not unlikely that we'll go straight from beautiful summer weather and head right into crappy cold and raining november weather.

skip fall? how dare ye?

second, i have a cold. mark had a cold last week and he was making like it was the end of the world and so i stuffed him full of tylenol cold and flu and had him wash it down with buckley's. now this week rolls around, he's all chipper and healthy and i woke up retardedly congested this morning. of course, there's no cold medicine in the apartment because he took it all. okay, so, i really have nothing justifiable here...i'm mostly just pissed about the cold.

third and worst of all, there is no hot water in my building. when i went to have a shower yesterday, there was no fucking hot water. mark went down to the lobby to see if it was scheduled maintenace and apparently it is not. apparently the water boiler is broken and will take A WEEK to replace. A WEEK.


i don't know what kind of shoemakers are working this joint, but under no circumstances should something as essential as water ever take A WEEK to be fixed and working properly. the best part is that my family is coming over for thanksgiving dinner on tuesday to witness me living like a sick pauper in all my glory.

k- i'm done bitching.

(for now)


Blogger Fella said...

I can't believe it never occured to me to use retarded as a descriptor before. You have shamed me. "retardedly congested" is hi-larious. Just the phrase not the actual congestion.

Sorry you are ill baby-cakes, I'll drink some bourbon for you.

feel better.

11:07 AM  
Blogger diadima said...

thank you nicky

11:14 AM  
Blogger Ubermilf said...

How are you supposed to get better with no hot water? I am outraged at your shabby treatment when you are feeling bad!


We have the same weather and I have the same complaints.


Chicken soup, echinacea tea, orange juice, and sniffing pepper. Try it.

1:17 PM  
Blogger Fella said...

sniffing pepper? that sounds downright satanic.

2:09 PM  
Blogger diadima said...

ubies- thanks for joining in on my rage-a-thon.

i'm in for all the treatment 'cept the sniffing pepper. wtf?

2:53 PM  
Blogger CheyenneWay said...

hope ya get to feeling better and here is a little trick my friend used when she didnt pay her gas bill for a month. Boil up some water and use it in the tub. Well, its not really a trick but rather a solution.

Also, if 22 to 26 is summer degrees and you have summer clothes, I just have to wonder what winter clothes would look like. I'm imagining something like layers and layers of parkas over layers and layers of flannel. You would have to wear your entire closet!

Thanksgiving on tuesday? You crazy canadians! we havent even had Halloween yet. Please give us your time traveling device, please.

/Self Centered American
//these slashes must be stopped!

3:30 PM  
Blogger Fella said...

She's talking about degrees Celsius you jackass.

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was a concise bitch for what it's worth; you knit a curious and readable tale, albeit necessary rant or what have you.

Ay... Canada... all judgement reserved (Honest. Canadian genes aplenty in this blood), that water situation is nothin but fucked. There is something to be said for renters' rights, and over here 24 hours without a basic utility such as water renders a lease about as valid as Mexican car insurance.

Meanwhile, use your friends the way you'd let them use you. Go take a soak. I feel you on this groggy misery we call the weather. It does breath of different...

11:07 AM  

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