Saturday, March 25, 2006

die bart die, it's german...

last night i went out for thai food with the lovely victoria. she brought me nestle baci's, which means she truly loves me. post thai-food, we went to slainte's for a few drinks which is a super fun irish bar close to my apartment. the evening was a smashing success but lately i've been getting all stressed out about going to sleep.


i'll tell you why.

the girl who lives above my apartment is driving me mental. aside from the fact that she listens to her music WAY too loud and stomps around her apartment in stilettos at two in the morning- there's this whole alarm clock situation. i understand that i can't blame her fully for the piss poor sound-proofing quality of the building but that doesn't take away from the fact that every morning at 7:45 i resolve to kick her door in and just slaughter her in her peaceful, peaceful booze-induced sleep. her bedroom is right above mine, and her alarm clock goes off so loudly that it wakes me up out of a sleep. it's a frustrating cocktail of music and buzzer and she DOES NOT TURN IT OFF. oh no...instead, she hits the snooze button. that fucking thing goes off every ten minutes from 7:45 to 9 am and it's slowly (or not that slowly) turning me into an INSANE person. usually i just bang on the ceiling with a broom that i keep beside my bed, but this morning i was particularly pissed about the whole situation and decided to go up to her apartment, decked out in a bathrobe and slippers and knocked on her door with such force that my hand was aching after. she didn't answer the door. possibly because the god-awful blaring of Pink's "stupid girls" prevented her from hearing me. but it's more likely because she could hear me cursing and swearing ballistically outside the door. she ended up shutting it off before i got down the stairs but it was already too late. wide awake and furious- i couldn't fall back asleep and so just sat in the bath conjuring up plans to exact my revenge.

any suggestions that you might have are fully welcome.


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