I'd just like to say that I am not an advocate of air conditioning.
Today it was hotter than hades here in Gotham City (a.k.a, Hamiltonia). It was about 32 with the humidex and in this country, that's
HOT. As you may recall from a previous post, I lost my wallet on the bus some weeks ago and decided that just in case I pass out from heat exhaustion on the sidewalk, I had better get a new health card. I've always thought of my health card as being more of a sentimental object than anything else. Healthcare is free in Canada and I have been to the hospital countless times without my card and been cared for just as speedily as if I had it on my person. Mostly I just wanted to get a new picture taken cuz I was feeling all sassy in my summer digs today.
But I digress.
When I first left my apartment, I noticed the heat (obviously), but I wasn't
really bothered by it. Then I got to the ministry, waited in line for half an hour, filled out my form, had my picture taken and headed back outside into...into...
HELL. That's how hot it felt. It was as though the temperature outside had doubled within the 30 minutes that I was inside the building. That's the thing about air conditioning: it's e-vil like the fru-its of the de-vil (as Loz/Mike Myers would say). It's a very tricky marketing scheme those Heating and Cooling grads from Mohawk College have cooked up here. You start off thinking your fine with the heat, then they get you all cool as a cucumber with the a/c, and then they throw you back outside into the unbearable heat just to prove that we all
NEED air conditioning and that we should go and purchase it immediately lest we perish in the sauna that is southern Ontario.
So that's it.
I'm boycotting air conditioned buildings this summer.
(basically I can't leave my apartment until halloween)
How sad is it that the prospect of that doesn't really sound half bad to me.

Sure, it looks smog free from this angle...but I swear that it's Gotham City when you pan over to the steel district.